Science-2-U is celebrating 25 years of serving the homeschool community! Thank you for being a part of it!



Class Available at PCLC

2024 – 2025 School Year
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2025 – 2026 School Year
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Urban & Wilderness Survival

Grade Level: 9th – 12th
Cost of class: $500 per semester* (one-semester course offered 2nd semester)
THIS CLASS HAS A MANDATORY FIELD TRIP April 13th (Cost included. See below for info). 
May be paired with Criminology: Forensic Science for a full year of science.

*See Locations and Schedules for possible additional Student Fees that may be added to your classes which are often payable with charter funds.

You will need to register for each class individually. You may also choose to register for this one-semester class by itself for 2nd Semester.

Note: Supplies will be provided when students are in person for class. 

Living in such a technologically advanced age is a blessing and a curse. Many of us are no longer being taught basic skills to live without technology. In this class, students will learn skills of survival that will help them face difficult situations should they arise. 

Students will face two scenarios requiring skills of survival.

URBAN SCENARIO: There has been an enormous earthquake. Your community has no access to water, electricity, or gas. How will you get through this natural disaster?

Students will learn the following skills:

  • Making clean water
  • Generating electricity
  • Creating warmth
  • Safely disposing of waste.

WILDERNESS SCENARIO: You’re camping in the wilderness and get separated from your group. Now you are lost. How will you survive until help arrives?

Students will learn the following skills:

  • Clean water preparation
  • Fire and shelter making
  • Identifying edible plants
  • Fishing
  • Trapping 

The final field trip at the end of the semester will be a one-day survival course in our local mountains. This field trip is mandatory and the cost is included with tuition ($120 value). The field trip will be SUNDAY, April 13th, 2025. Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from Silverado Canyon.

Class meets weekly for 1.5 hours and will include lectures and activities. Weekly homework assignments from the textbook and activity paperwork will be completed by students at home. Tests will be taken online at home and will be administered by a parent/guardian. 

The following Textbook is required: TBD

The textbook information will be updated before school begins.Â